Hey The HodgePodge Lifestyle followers! Help me decide if my website needs some new layout changes to make it more readable and visually pleasing by commenting below.
Do you prefer 1: Old design 2: Colored Graphics or
3: White Background?
Simply click the + sign after the article on the right side for the comment page. If you have other suggestions, feel free to let me know! I look forward to hearing from you soon! <3
Hi Rem, I like the one white better.
Also, if I may, if there could be a home button where I can access your other articles from the current one I am browsing. I can’t seem to find the navigation links or probably, just at least, the home button where your other Recent Posts are featured. 🙂
Hi Ernalou! The home button is actually pretty huge which is big white box of the logo itself The HodgePodge Lifestyle above. Thanks for the vote! 🙂
I agree with Ern. I would choose the white one. The color of your logo fits the white theme 🙂
Hi Otakore! Thanks for your vote too! 🙂
I choose the white background too!
Thanks for voting Luming!