5 Back to School Tips for 2014

The rainy season is here and the heatwave is ending soon in Philippines. It’s not simply that kids and parents are welcoming this month of June but also it’s the back to school season for 2014. So much to do and so little time but here are some tips on how to get back to school mode for parents and kids.

1. Shop Now

rj_kids_books_020908_01Last summer was the best time to shop but it’s better late than never and besides some schools begin on June 15. Have a check list of what your kid needs in school from pencil to notebooks. Check out National Bookstore if it’s convenient place for you to shop but if you are looking for discounted items, take a trip to Divisoria to buy school supplies (be wary of products that contains lead though to avoid poisoning your kid). If there are leftovers from last year, you can still use them to save money.

2. Find a Tutorial Place for Your Kids


If your kid is having a hard time at school in Math, English or other subjects, asks around from family and friends if they know a good tutorial school you can enroll him. If you are good in these subjects, perhaps you can also teach him after school if you have time and that will definitely save you money.

3. Bring Baon (packed lunch or snacks)


 Make a packed lunch and snack, or locally known as Baon, for your kid during school days. You can create a simple rice and viand meal for lunch then some crackers, pastries, chocolates or juices for snacks. If you want to be more creative, make them a Bento Box so they can have fun eating their food too!

4. Talk to them about school



Have time after school to talk to your kid about how his day went in school because it’s important to know if he is enjoying his classes and learning from them, has good friends or is being bullied by other schoolmates and if he is treated well by their teachers. This will help him become more productive if he can turn to you and let you know about what’s happening in his school.

5. Attend school events 


School fairs, parents-teachers conferences, and other similar school events are important to your kid so it’s really good to allot time in your schedule to go with them so you are active in anything they do in schools and he won’t feel bad of not having his parents around during these times. Enjoy and don’t miss moments of bonding like these with your kid. As they say, time passes by quickly.