Traditions, traditions and more New Year’s Eve traditions to welcome the upcoming year of 2014. What better way to celebrate it by doing the weirdest New Years Eve tradition you can find around the world?
Make a wish on paper and burn it then throw it inside your wine glass. Cheers to that and drink! Not sure if this is a good idea but in Russia, it’s tradition.
Bring out your inner child and wear a bear costume because for Romanians dancing while wearing one will keep the evil away!
It’s like Halloween all over again as Chileans in Talca flock to the graveyard to spend time with their loved ones who passed away during late night mass, candle lighting and yes, some classical music. What more can you ask for?
Roll out your empty suitcases and prepare to run outside with them around the neighborhood to travel all year round for 2014! Already dreaming of Australia, Portugal, Mauritius hmmm … Oh and don’t forget to drink champagne with 12 grapes in a glass as well as throw some beans on the floor inside the house for good luck!
12 grapes are meant for hanging on the doorway year round for good luck and not for eating (unless you’re really hungry) and wearing of polka dots is a must! Oh don’t forget also to jump high several times to add some height so better start preparing those legs of yours!
Prepare to brush your teeth well because nobody wants to kiss anyone with bad breath so spread the love with some mass kissing at the St. Mark’s Square in Venice while fireworks invades the skies at New Year’s Eve celebration at the piazza.
In some countries, people do this during rallies but in Panama it’s time to burn some Muñecos or dolls to perish the bad luck that may come your way in 2014.
Ready… set … jump! Nope not for the cameras but for good luck for every seven waves at the beach.