I recently was nominated for the Liebster Award by CLARA on the road, a fellow traveler who writes about her escapades on her blog. What is the Liebster Award? The Liebster Award is made by travel bloggers for travel bloggers and is a great opportunity to be more involved in the community, discover new blogs and connect with them. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
If you have been nominated for the award and you choose to accept it, you should write a blog post about the Liebster Award following these rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their site on your blog.
- Display the award on your blog.
- Answer their questions about yourself.
- Nominate 5 to 10 other bloggers for the award and inform them via social media (the nominees have to have less than 3,000 followers).
- Create your own set of questions for your nominees.
CLARA on the road asked me some questions, and here are my responses:
1. Out of all the countries you have visited, which one did you like the most?
Photo courtesy of Expat Explorers
It would definitely be Colombia, particularly Medellin, where I lived and travelled for several months a few years ago. The passion of the people and city is utterly charming and simply embraces you. The food, the arts, the culture, the Spanish language–everything is beautiful in Colombia. Gone are the days of drug cartels and were replaced by their scrumptious food called the Bandeja Paisa, the strong homegrown liquor of Aguardiente, the enticing Salsa music, etc.
2. What is your favorite travel hack/tip?
It would be getting the best airplane ticket by scouting for cheap rates a few months ahead of travelling, even if it means waking up at wee hours of the morning. Also, immersing myself in the local culture of any place I visit such as trying local food (no matter how exotic it may be!), learning a few local words, talking to locals about their historical roots, etc. Dig deeper and be amazed at how our world is a colorful and vibrant place to live in!
3. Which objects you cannot leave at home while traveling?
My cell phone, money, camera and sunscreen.
4. What changed in your way to travel since you started your travel blog?
Photo courtesy of James Morgan
I’ve become more curious, adventurous and willing to take some risks to know more about different places. My mind is more open to going off the beaten path and trying things that aren’t on travel books or tour guides.
5. What are your fears travelling? And how do you overcome them?
Sometimes I still get scared of bumpy plane rides. I always pray for a safe trip no matter what. Oh and if it’s a long haul flight, a glass of wine or two and a good TV or marathon helps too!
6. Which is the best way to travel? Alone, with your partner, in a large group of friends, with your family?
It depends on where you’re going. For me either of the three is fine.
7. Why is your blog called THE HODGEPODGE LIFESTYLE?
I called it The HodgePodge Lifestyle because it’s a mishmash of different lifestyle topics per se and on social media, it’s where I post current events content. Though primarily, the lifestyle topics center on food and travel.
8. Why did you decided to start a blog? It was a travel-inspired decision?
Not at all. It started in Journalism school then became a hobby when I stopped becoming a journalist and transitioned to working as Marketing/PR person. I didn’t want to lose my craft and my passion so it served first and foremost as a medium to practice writing. But now, I’m working again as a journalist and I don’t see myself in stopping writing good contents for The HodgePodge Lifestyle.
9. How do you find inspiration and get new ideas for your blog?
Simple. Everyday life.
10. Do you have a future or long term plan with your blog?
I hope to write good content for a long time and have more readers/followers. Also, to make it as a career where I can meet more fellow bloggers and travelers.
Questions for my nominees:
- Out of all the countries you have visited, which one did you like the most?
- What’s the best experience you’ve had while traveling?
- What is your favorite travel hack/tip?
- Which objects you can’t leave at home while traveling?
- How has blogging about travel changed you?
- Which is the best way to travel? Alone, with your partner, in a large group of friends, with your family?
- Why is your blog called … ?
- Why did you decided to start a blog? It was a travel-inspired decision?
- How do you find inspiration and get new ideas for your blog?
- Do you have a future or long term plan with your blog?